
The newly released Melitta® c35 combines cutting-edge technology and simple handling with the smallest possible footprint. Thanks to its clear and simple operation, and innovative display and animation concept, the Melitta c35 is your ideal partner for self-service operation.

The Melitta c35 boasts a modern, fresh design with touch-screen colour display enabling you to serve customer-specific coffee/milk variations – from espresso to cappuccino and caffè lattè, or even a decaffeinated base coffee.

The new feature colour display of the Melitta c35 can be configured according to individual customer demands with up to ten different products simultaneously displayed on each screen page.

In all its elegance, the Melitta c35 serves up to 200 cups per hour, delivering a consistent café style coffee.

The beauty of the Melitta c35 extends to the cleaning (cleaning in place – CIP) component. This machine comprises the world’s easiest milk cleaning system and hygiene program, including the tick of approval from HACCP. The milk system is automatically cleaned with a steam jet after each product is served – there is no need to remove components for manual cleaning.

For more information please contact Global Coffee Solutions or visit their website.