
Light is the primary source, the primigenial element that allows sight and consequently is the origin of visual memory, the first experience that allows project inspiration.

Every journey, every day, every memory, every emotion, every event is immersed in light, whether artificial or natural.

The objective of the contemporary designer is, among others, controlling light; directing it and channeling it to best exploit its nuances and colourfulness, whether natural or artificial. The importance of controlling light is historically present in painting and architecture. Today this experience can be transferred to the home atmosphere with a consequent development of aesthetics, not only provoked by the light source but caused by what is wrapped around the source.

These reflections give birth to Biopietra’s integrated lighting elements. In this study, the casing that contains the luminous source merges with material, letting only reflected light filter onto the material itself, that bathes the surfaces to highlight the material consistency to the benefit of emotional perceptions.

The goal of the project is not to illuminate, but to arouse emotions by using light.

Biopietra’s lighting elements were created to illuminate and improve the suggestions of the Design and Living products. The light produced by these lamps is LED, a technology for low consumption, high luminosity (four times greater than tungsten filament lamps), long lasting and high reliability (high emission LEDs achieve approx. 50,000 hours), furthermore they don’t require complex circuits. From the illumination point of view, the LEDs have many advantages in addition to being long lasting: the absence of maintenance costs and high yield (they produce clean light with no IR and UV components), and they allow the same light source to emit saturated colours and RGB chromatic spectrums. These characteristics, perfectly in line with the
Biopietra philosophy, complete the idea of light/suggestion we want to develop, and give the end product simplicity, reliability and durability as well as elegance.